Devlog 1 - Pre Production

Both assignments 3 and 4 during last semester were meant to give us experience with pre-production work. During both assignments, we utilized Trello to try to keep track of our  progress for finishing all the required tasks for both projects. However, the process for completing one assignment went far more smoothly than completing the other.

Due to the lack of time caused by both Reading Week and Design Week, the time that we had to complete assignment 3 was somewhat limited. During that time period, we tracked progress by making  an overtly tight schedule that gave us little room for unfinished or unprofessional results to fix and adjust later. I unfortunately cannot find where we made that schedule anymore, but the fact that we did not have any due dates  or labels for each individual sub-task for assignment 3 in our Trello board (see bottom left image) showcases our relative lack of organization during that time period that resulted in a somewhat crunch-like workload during the week after design week.

However, during assignment 4, we created a much less stressful schedule that resulted in a much smoother process. In the bottom right image, we planned on adding the finishing touches to our Risk Analysis and Project Plan by December 6th at earliest, and completing the whole Proof of Concept by December 9th at earliest. This allowed for some buffers in our schedule where, if we did not have those tasks quite done by those due dates, we would still have some extra time to fully polish those final products. This, combined with the fact that we had more time due to the lack of a reading week and a design week, resulted in our team having a much smoother time completing assignment 4 than assignment 3.

In a way, these two pre-production projects served as a training ground for keeping the team organized under tight deadlines and completing tasks thoroughly and on time.

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